Archives for February 2014

Troy & Sons Blonde Whiskey

For those of you (and me, after this sample bottle is gone) that live in a state that doesn’t carry Troy & Sons Blonde Whiskey, I have one word for you: online shipping.  Fine, that was two words, but you get the idea: ship it, ship it now.  I will throw in the “can’t be shipped to every state” disclaimer, but I’d highly suggest checking out the online ordering.  While I prefer my whiskeys neat, not all of them are friendly enough to do that with.  Blonde Whiskey is exactly what the bottle says – A Kinder Spirit.  Approachable and friendly to even the newest whiskey drinker, but with enough character that a seasoned whiskey aficionado will appreciate it. Here are my notes – sláinte!Troy & Sons products

Color: Blonde is a bit of a misnomer – the color in the bottle is a lovely, medium golden brown. Pouring a couple of fingers into a nosing glass, it doesn’t lose any of its color.

Nose: A tiny bit of alcohol at first, you know it’s whiskey.  Hints of sweet, almost bourbon-like. 

Taste: Like the nose, a tiny bit of bite at first (this isn’t juice you’re drinking, it’s whiskey, don’t forget that!).  The middle is so smooth and mellow, a nicely rounded taste of caramel and honey.  It finishes smoothly as well with a bit of vanilla, lingering a bit on the tongue in a good way.  The way that makes you say,  “I want more!”. 

ABV:  40 (or 80 proof)

Price point: (online) $42.99 Comparable to other whiskies in its class and definitely worth it.

Other notes: All of Troy & Sons whiskeys use heirloom grains – wheat and corn varieties that most of the country no longer grows, eschewing these slower growing, flavorful grains in favor of modern hybrids.  I can safely say I’m glad because that means more for Troy & Sons whiskeys! Check it out now!

Final score (out of 3): Nicely done!

Scotch glass_40

Scotch glass_40Scotch glass_40

Products were provided for my review – the opinions expressed are completely my own.

<3: Valentine's Day ideas, dates or drinks

Welcome to that awesome time of year. We’ve gotten through January, some of us more frozen than others. Punxsutawney Phil has seen his shadow, so we’re due for 6 more weeks of winter. Here are some tips that will hopefully at least get you through Valentine’s Day all warm and toasty, in one way or another! [Read more…]

Weird science, part 2: what do you mean, alcohol doesn’t kill brain cells?

Welcome back to Weird science, part 2. Last time you learned about the wonders of charcoal filtration and something called Ostwald ripening. If you missed it, what are you waiting for? Read it now!  Now that you’re all caught up, on we go… [Read more…]

Hot Toddy recipe

For most of the country, the weather outside has moved from frightful to “F this”.  In the spirit of keeping you warm AND drinking (but please, don’t go outside after drinking – even more dangerous than usual and I like my readers alive and warm), check out this classic recipe for a hot toddy.  There are a zillion variations, I’ve even seen ones with tequila.  The basics are: [Read more…]

Weird science: 4 funky facts about the liquor in your glass

Up until you started reading here at LikeYourLiquor, you might not have given too much thought to what’s in your glass. A vague idea of what distilling means, possibly what the ingredients are. But there’s some interesting science stuff going on right under your nose. Welcome to Weird Science, part 1! Check it out: [Read more…]

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